For a brief overview on how you can help you child achieve good attendance, please have a look at our attendance guidance:
The children at Dursley C of E Primary Academy enjoy learning and want to be in school. Good attendance is key to learning and development and we expect you to make sure that your child attends school regularly and on time.
Our school gates are opened at 8.30am. Children and parents/carers should wait in the playground until the doors are opened at 8.40am. The school day starts at 845am. The gates will then be locked at 8.55am. The parent of any child arriving at school after 8.55am will need to go to the school office.
Any child arriving at school after 9.15am will be marked in the register with a ‘Late’ mark. A letter will be sent to parents if there is a pattern of persistent lateness. If a child arrives after 9.15am an unauthorised absence code (U) will be used, unless the school office have been informed of a medical appointment.
If you experience any difficulty in getting your child to school on time it is really important that you speak to your class teacher or the school office as soon as possible.
Leave of absence will not be authorised in term time unless there are exceptional circumstances. In this instance you must request authorised leave from the Head Teacher, Mrs Heather Gregory.
If you intend taking your child out of school it is essential that you complete a Leave of Absence Form at least two weeks before the intended absence so that we know that your child is absent from school and in your care. This is required irrespective of whether the absence will be authorised or unauthorised.
We do understand that sometimes children are ill or have to attend medical appointments.
If your child is ill, we ask that you telephone the school by 8.45am on the first day of absence (01453 542304) and leave your child’s name, class and reason for absence. If your child is likely to absent from school for a longer period of time we ask that you keep us updated with the likely date of return, but it is not necessary to phone each day.
If you are unsure about your child’s illness and their attendance at school, here is a useful link:
If your child has a medical appointment, please could you inform the school office and provide a copy of the appointment letter or text. The office staff will make sure that your child’s absence is correctly recorded in the register and that the class teacher is made aware.