Dursley Primary Academy School Association

All parents and carers of children at Dursley Primary School are part of our school association – and this is your page to let you know what’s going on, what the money that you raise is spent on, and how you can help.
School Association Committee:
Chair: Pete Morgan
I have a son in Cherry Class and became involved with the School Association just last year.
The aim of the School Association is to support the teaching staff and enhance the education of every child at our school. If you have any suggestions, or can offer any help, please, please do not hesitate in getting in contact with us.
Offering help can lead to trepidation that you will be asked and obliged to give more time - I promise this will not happen; we will not make any additional requests of your time. We are only as strong as the involvement that we receive from our school community therefore any time you can give to support our events and fundraising activities will be greatly appreciated!
Please get in touch by approaching me in the playground, call 07739 183073 or email pmorgan100@hotmail.com.
Treasurer: Emily Poskett
My Daughter is in Magnolia Class and I have been involved with the School Association since my son started at Dursley in 2015, becoming treasurer since 2018.
As Treasurer, I am well placed to see the contribution the School Association makes to our School. Fundraising activities such as cake sales, Christmas Bazaar, Summer Fayre enable the School Association to buy items that benefit every child at our school.
Most recently, we have raised funds to replace the much loved, but worn out, train in the infant playground with a new climbing frame and bought visualisers for each classroom. These purchases would not have been possible without your support!
Contact: schoolassociation@dursley.dgat.org.uk
Follow us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dursleycofeprimaryschool/