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As an academy we are part of a larger family of schools and academies called a Trust. We are part of the Diocese of Gloucester Academies Trust. This enables us to work with others to develop both the learning experience for the children of Dursley but also for all those across the whole of Gloucestershire. Our legal establishment and relationship with DGAT is presented in more detail in our Funding Agreement.


Our Trust's vision is, 'enabling all to flourish', and this is theological rooted in John  10:10, 'living life in all its fullness'. This links to our School vision, 'together we shine brightly because together we make a difference', because the connection can be drawn through the concept of living out the abundant life that Jesus offers. When individuals embrace the teachings of Jesus and live according to his principles, they are often motivated to make a positive impact on the world around them. This might involve acts of kindness, respect, responsibility, forgiveness, and perseverance. In doing so, at Dursley Primary we "shine brightly" by a being beacon of hope, love, and light in a world that can sometimes be dark and troubled. 


By living out the values of the abundant life offered by Jesus, individuals can indeed make a difference in the lives of others, whether it's through small acts of kindness in their everyday interactions or through larger efforts to address systemic injustices and alleviate suffering. The verse from John 10:10 thus serves as a call to action to embrace the fullness of life offered by Jesus and to share that abundance with others, ultimately making a positive difference in the world.
















For all Key Trust Information please click here 


Please click on the logo above to find out more about our Trust, its Trustees and its work. Alternatively you can contact the Trust directly via the website or using the contact details below: 



3 College Green




01452 835578



DGAT Documents

Key DGAT documents


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