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Beyond the classroom

At Dursley CofE Primary Academy, we offer extensive enrichment opportunities to all our pupils. These give children the chance to achieve, meet new people, try new activities and support their academic progress. The personal development of our pupils is at the forefront of our thinking, and we provide an extensive range of personal development opportunities including residential trips, day trips and visitors to the school. This not only supports the curriculum, but helps develop pupils’ talents and interests, to enable them to 'shine brightly' and 'make a difference'. 













As part of our curriculum offer we provide all children with the opportunity to learn outdoors through our Forest School Provision. We feel Forest School helps our children to develop socially, emotionally, spiritually, physically and intellectually. It creates a safe, non-judgmental nurturing environment for our children to try news things and take risks. 




We have three Pupil Parliaments at Dursley CofE Primary Academy. These actively promote pupil leadership opportunities, enabling the children to develop valuable communication, co-operation, organisational and debating skills, as well as developing a sense of responsibility and deepening their understanding of democracy.




Our school offers a range of clubs: from golf to drawing and choir to gardening. We strive to provide an ever-changing range of clubs so that all pupils have an opportunity to attend a club that interests them – and we are always looking for new ideas.



Some of the clubs we offer are: 

  • Choir 

  • Young Voices 

  • Drawing 

  • Hockey 

  • Football (girls and mixed) 

  • Ukulele 

  • Bucket golf

  • Paper craft 




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